Dear Conservative Friend,
No more restrictions on abortion.
That's what the proposed "Freedom of Choice Act" (FOCA) would mean.
No more waiting periods. No more parental notification. No more ban on partial-birth abortion.
And Barack Obama promised Planned Parenthood he would sign it into law.
In fact, over the past three months, we've seen Obama's level of commitment to promote a liberal abortion agenda.
Within minutes of taking the Oath of Office, the official White House website was changed to add language supporting pro-abortion policies.
He has appointed numerous liberals from pro-abortion organizations like Emily’s List and the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) to critical positions in the government.
Taxpayer Funding of Abortion…
Just days after being sworn in as President, Obama reversed the Bush policy against taxpayer funding for abortions overseas. Another campaign promise kept.
Congressional liberals even tried to use the “cover” of the economic stimulus bill to provide further taxpayer funding for “family planning” services.
What is FOCA?
In short, the Freedom of Choice Act is a federal bill that would end almost ALL restrictions on abortion. It is an unlimited right to tax-payer funded, abortion-on-demand. And liberals are pushing hard to get is passed.
The “Freedom of Choice Act” would:
End parental notification or consent for abortions performed on minors
Mandate taxpayer funding of abortion
Allow abortions in military hospitals
End waiting periods before having an abortion
Overturn laws requiring informed consent prior to abortion
Deny doctors the right to refuse to perform abortion for religious reasons
Force religious affiliated hospitals and facilities to perform abortions
Overturn many abortion clinic health regulations
Overturn laws prohibiting abortion after the viability of the child
Legalize partial-birth abortion
Sign FOCA Petition