Congressional leaders have decided to start their summer recess early. That means we have just 3 days to get our petitions to Congress and press Members of Congress to defend free speech.
I have instructed my staff to make one more emergency petition delivery to the 30 key lawmakers in the House who can tip the scales on this issue--urging them to let the Broadcaster Freedom Act come to the floor for a full and fair up-or-down vote before they leave!
That means, if we reach our goal of 200,000 petitions, MRC representatives will be delivering 6 million petitions this week!
But in order to reach our 200,000 petitions goal, we need another 20,000 petitions in the next 48 hours.
JOSHUA, please forward this alert to 25-30
friends and family members urging them to take a
stand for the preservation of our First Amendment Rights
by clicking here:
+ + Liberals want to silence conservative speech!
This second delivery is critical, in my opinion, because the American people deserve to know where their Member of Congress stands on this vital First Amendment issue.
We need to put them on notice that we aren't going to allow the looming threat of the "Fairness Doctrine" and government censorship to be held over our heads.
+ + Breaking Pelosi's gag order
Since our last petition presentation, we've learned that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has placed what amounts to a "gag order"
on House members regarding this bill.
Pelosi hasn't been shy about her desire to stifle free speech on the airwaves and is eager to keep the Fairness Doctrine alive.
That's why we must continue to press harder--via phone calls, faxes and petitions until the pressure becomes too great, and Congress does the right thing by bringing the Broadcaster Freedom Act to the floor.
We must deliver 200,000 petitions to Congress by this Friday!
JOSHUA, I don't have to tell you what is at stake if we don't win this battle, and I know I can count on you to help push us past our goal. Don’t let Congress go on vacation before holding an up or down vote on the Broadcaster Freedom Act.
Thank you for your incredible support!
David Martin
Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
Join Lynn & me on The Joshua Fund’s Alaska cruise August 2-9, 2025
Have you ever been to Alaska? We’ve always wanted to go and this summer The
Joshua Fund is hosting an “Epicenter Briefing” at sea. Come with us! It’ll
1 month ago
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