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Considering the Cross
Read: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 22; Isaiah 53; Matthew 26-27; 1 Corinthians
1:10-31 The cross is everywhere in our culture. The legacy of many
centuries of Chr...
Subscription Fatigue
Subscription Management
I have active subscriptions with about a half-dozen different news &
finance sites along with about a half dozen software tool...
Free Flash Fiction: Where Dragons Live
by Deborah L. Alten
“There are no more dragons, sir.” Gha’enna caressed the innkeeper’s face
with the back of her sun-bronzed fingers. “Perhaps you’d be ...
Conquering Fear--Bears, Pigs and Killer Bees
This morning I said "good-bye" to Mozart who was busy at his keyboard
"I have a doctor appointment, I'll be back before lunch."
An update on Google Affiliate Network
Our goal with Google Affiliate Network has been to help advertisers and
publishers improve their performance across the affiliate ecosystem.
McKenna BMW Service Manager: Victor Oh
Congrats to Victor Oh...
the new McKenna BMW Service Manager...
(888) 571-3340
Born in Argentina. Nationality Korean
Cerritos High School.
Art School....
[image: The United Nations Family of Organizations]
*The UN system is often referred to as a "family"of organizations. The
charter of the UN, signed in ...
Extend Cash for Clunkers
Right now the Senate is poised to vote on additional funding for the "cash
for clunkers" program. For those not familiar with this program, a consumer
A Business That Understands its Customers
Building a successful business is not an easy task. To be an expert on your
industry, your products, staff and most importantly, you need to be an
expert o...
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