In her senior thesis at Princeton , Michele Obama , the wife of Barack Obama
Stated that America was a nation founded on 'crime and hatred'.
Moreover, she stated that whites in America were 'ineradicably racist'. The
1985 thesis, titled 'Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community' was
Written under her maiden name, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson .
Michelle Obama stated in her thesis that to 'Whites at Princeton , it often
Seems as if, to them, she will always be Black first...' However, it was reported
By a fellow black classmate, 'If those 'Whites at Princeton ' really saw Michelle
As one who always would 'be Black first,' it seems that she gave them that
Most alarming is Michele Obama 's use of the terms 'separationist' and
'integrationist' when describing the views of black people.
Mrs. Obama clearly identifies herself with a 'separationist' view of race.
'By actually working with the Black lower class or within their communities as
A result of their ideologies, a separationist may better understand the desperation of their situation and feel more hopeless about a resolution as opposed to an integrationist who is ignorant to their plight.'
Obama writes that the path she chose by attending Princeton would likely lead to
Her 'further integration and/or assimilation into a white cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant.'
Michele Obama clearly has a chip on her shoulder.
Not only does she see separate black and white societies in America , but
She elevates black over white in her world.
Here is another passage that is uncomfortable and ominous in meaning:
'There was no doubt in my mind that as a member of the black
Community, I am obligated to this community and will utilize
All of my present and future resources to benefit the black
Community first and foremost.'
What is Michelle Obama planning to do with her future resources if she's first
Lady that will elevate black over white in America ?
The following passage appears to be a call to arms for affirmative action
Policies that could be the hallmark of an Obama administration.
'Predominately white universities like Princeton are socially and academically
Designed to cater to the needs of the white students comprising the bulk of
Their enrollments.'
The conclusion of her thesis is alarming.
Michelle Obama's poll of black alumni concludes that other black students
at Princeton do not share her obsession with blackness. But rather than
celebrate, she is horrified that black alumni identify with our common
American culture more than they value the color of their skin. 'I hoped that
these findings would help me conclude that despite the high degree of
identification with whites as a result of the educational and occupational
path that black Princeton alumni follow, the alumni would still maintain a
certain level of identification with the black community. However, these
findings do not support this possibility.'
Is it no wonder that most black alumni ignored her racist questionnaire?
Only 89 students responded out of 400 who were asked for input.
Michelle Obama does not look into a crowd of Obama supporters and see
Americans. She sees black people and white people eternally conflicted
with one another.
The thesis provides a trove of Mrs. Obama 's thoughts and
world view seen through a race-based prism. This is a very
divisive view for a potential first lady that would do untold
damage to race relations in this country in a Barack Obama
Michelle Obama's intellectually refined racism should give all
Americans pause for deep concern.
Now maybe she's changed, but she sure sounds like someone with an axe to
grind with America . Will the press let Michelle get a free pass over her obviously
racist comment about American whites? I am sure that it will.
PS: We paid for her scholarship.
[more info]
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