
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Thirteen - Fun Facts

1. In ancient Israel, men closed a deal by exchanging sandals. Ruth 4:7

2. The term "scapegoat" comes from theuse of a goat that was to recieve the sins of the people and be released into the wilderness. Lev. 16:10

3. You may have heard people exclaim, "Jehoshaphat!" Well, Jehoshaphat is the valley where God will judge the nations according to Joel 3:2. It's also the name of the fourth king of Judah.

4. While Deborah judged Israel, the people lived in peace for 40 years. Behind every peaceful country, there is a good woman. Judges. 5:31

5. "Apple of your eye" is hardly a new expression. Solomon said it in Proverbs 7:2

6. "An eye for an eye" was an Old Testament rule of thumb. Jesus' rule for responding to an offense was "Turn the other cheek" Matt 5:38-39

7. Here's a pharse that stood the test of time - Job was the first recorded person to say "the skin of my teeth." Job 19:20

8. Do not charge interest to a fellow camper. Only charge interest to foreigners. Deuteronomy 23:20

9. No tripping blind people. Leviticus 19:14

10. Have you seen the writing on the wall? King belshazzar did. When he was drinking out of a goblet from Jerusalem's temple, a hand wrote a message on his wall. Daniel 5:5

11. Jesus was trying to be alone to mourn the death of John the Baptist when the crowd of 5000-plus found him. Surprise! Matt. 14:13

12. Under David's rule, there were more then one million men who could handle a sword in Israel. 1 Chronicles 21:5

13. In order to feed the large crowd of more than 5,000, Jesus organized the people into groups of 100's and 50's Mark 6: 39-40


Always Been Different said...

Good list!

Happy TT!

Nicholas said...

I always thought that scapegoating was a disgusting practice: releasing an inoffensive creature into the desert to die of thirst.

Tracey@Aloha Monkeys said...

Great list! Thanks for visiting my blog.

The Gatekeeper said...

Well, of course, number four is my favorite. Wow, you really put some research into this. Nice!

Rims said...

Great list! Thanks for stopping by my TT!


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